Feng Shui Tips

There is much to learn about Feng Shui and its relationship to Architecture. I am not an expert on Feng Shui, but, as needed, I take the plans that are in the design development stages through the same consulting design stages with Feng Shui as I do with structural engineering. To get the best advice, plans are developed with the client based on site conditions, lifestyles, preferences and good planning experience, then I seek consultations with the various specialties that may apply and incorporate the knowledge gained into the plans as they are revised and changed. A complete set of plans is an evolving process that takes place over weeks and sometimes months. To be converted into a successful project, they must include all of these elements in a rational and logical way.

In the end, of course, it is the owner/occupant that must feel happy and content with the end results of the process. A structure that is custom fitted should feel just as much a part of the character of the owner as a good custom fitted boot should conform to the foot. Success with either makes us feel good as we feel more comfortable using them.The following tips are taken from a seminar provided by Stacy Davenport. When a consultant is required I would recommend her. You can contact her at: http://www.STACYDAVENPORT.COM/


1. De-Clutter your home and office environments – including your closets and attics. Clutter and dirt stagnate energy – which will keep you stuck in your life. Let go of the old to allow for the new to come into your life!

2. Look at the things that you own and ask yourself “Does this bring me Joy” – Yes, No, Maybe. Only surround yourself with objects and people you love. This will insure that the energy that surrounds you is nurturing and conducive to health, happiness and prosperity.

3. Keep your stove clean – inside and out. The stove represents abundance in Feng Shui. Placing a reflective object like a mirror or silver platter behind it can assist in “doubling your abundance”.

4. If it’s broken – fix it! This is a very important consideration, especially with plumbing and leaks of any kind. The water element represents wealth in Feng Shui and nobody wants to see their money going down the drain.

5. Keep you toilet lids down and your bathroom door closed. It is often suggested that you place a mirror on the outside of your bathroom door to reflect the energy back into the house and keep your wealth from draining away.

6. If a plant dies, replace it with a bigger and better one. Plants represent life, health and prosperity in our environment. Look around you… Do your plants appear to be happy and thriving?

7. Don’t block entrances and doorways. If you have difficulty entering a home, opportunities are probably also meeting with difficulty. Clear all paths to keep the Chi and the opportunities flowing in!

8. Keep your corners “rounded” so that the energy won’t get “stuck”. You can do this in many creative ways. Plants, statues, lamps, etc. can help you to keep the flow going.

9. Hang a bagua or convex mirror outside over all doors leading outside. This will deflect disruptive/negative energy so that it won’t enter your environment.

10. Keep one arrangement of fresh flowers in the home at all times.

11. Have a water fountain in your home in either the Career or Money Gua.

12. Keep your car impeccable – Cars represent our emotional bodies.

Food symbolizes health and wealth in Feng Shui. When money is flowing, we can afford to buy the best food to sustain good health. When we are in good health, we are best able to make a good living. Because food bridges the two treasures of health and wealth, special attention is given to the place where good is prepared – the kitchen.

o The stove, typically the center for food preparation, needs to be kept very clean. Use all the burners regularly, symbolizing the full circulation of prosperity.

o If the stove is located next to the kitchen sink, place a healthy plant, flowers, or bowl of fruit between them to represent the Wood element, thus balancing the elemental relationship between sink (water) and stove (fire).

o The ideal location for the stove is in an island in the kitchen.

o When the stove is placed against a wall, put a reflective surface behind or beside it, such as a mirror or shiny metal tray. The reflection “doubles” the burners (and the health and wealth they represent), and gives cooks a view of what’s going on behind them.

o Keep the knives completely out of sight when not in use.

o De-clutter kitchen countertops. Take an honest look at what’s living on your counters. Do you use everything there every day? If not, put away the items you don’t regularly use. Avoid the temptation to pile mail and you-name-it on the counters. Make plenty of room for meals to be enjoyably prepared and for the Chi to flow.

o Place trash and recycling containers out of sight. If these containers are currently “homeless,” decide how you can rearrange cabinets or pantries to accommodate them.

o Entering and exiting the house through the kitchen can promote an eternal appetite. Consider using another door as your primary entrance, or screen the refrigerator from first sight.

This list was provided by Stacy Davenport – Life Balance Coaching and Feng Shui Solutions She can be contacted at www.stacydavenport.com or
call (512) 420-86